Webinar #8: Czech talks: My journey from USA to Chinese SOE

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On 22nd of October CzechCham hosted webinar “Czech Talks: My journey from USA to Chinese SOE” organized in cooperation with Tomáš Kučera.

Our speaker, Tomáš Kučera, China Business Development Manager at FSG, talked about his journey from USA to Chinese SOE. He is multilingual EU citizen with 10+ years work experience from USA and China. He talked about his experience working in two different SOE companies in China. He compared both companies and shared his insight about working in Chinese SOE and its business etiquette.

The topics were:

  • Intercultural Management
  • Useful Chinese business etiquette tips
  • How to land Fortune 500 clients in China

We are glad to invite you for our next webinar from serie Czech Talks: “Joint Expansion: From China to Vietnam”, which takes place 12th of Novemmber. You can register through the link more below: